Tag: portland

Happy Seizureversary (and other news)

A year ago today I had a seizure while at work…by this time in the day, I was in the hospital (for what would be an overnight visit).  So how are things a year later?  Well I haven’t had any further events…so that’s a good thing.  I survived not being able to drive for five months living in LA.  Health wise…everything seems to be pretty stable.

Lately the biggest change has been my move back to Portland.  I’ve for the most part settled in to my new apartment.  I’m still looking for a job (I did have one temporary assignment stuffing envelopes for 2.5 days).  I’m starting to get a little bored without a job to go to.  But for the moment I’m still pretty confident that something will turn up soon.  All in all, its nice being back in the NW.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/happy-seizureversary-and-other-news/

Heading back to Portlandia

Its official…I’m heading back to Portland at the end of the month.  I don’t have a permanent place to live yet and I don’t have a job yet (though I’m trying to continue on remotely at my current job…fingers crossed).  So this is another leap of faith.  Now to get everything done between now and the end of the month.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/heading-back-to-portlandia/

Portland vs. Brooklyn

Portland vs. Brooklyn

From DJ Drue via ilovecharts via the frisky

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2012/portland-vs-brooklyn/

Portland Timbers, We Adore You

[A video commemorating the first home MLS game from the Front Office]

A great 1st season in MLS barely missing the playoffs.

Can’t wait until next season!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2011/portland-timbers-we-adore-you/

PDX Revisited

Last weekend was my first trip back to Portland since the craziness of last November.  It was a quick weekend trip, mainly to go to the Portland Timbers vs. NY Red Bulls match Sunday evening (with my friends Elizabeth and Austin).  There was however the potential for sad memories, so I was a little anxious heading up to the trip.  I didn’t really expect to run into her per say, just memories of her.

Its weird to think back to six months ago now though.  Up until my post earlier this month, I hadn’t heard anything from her since she started cutting off all contact with me (and I asked her to just go ahead and stop talking to me at all).  After that post, she sent me a short email basically saying she was glad I was doing well, and wishing me well from my medical event.  I responded with an equally short email thanking her and wishing her well as well.  I have a lot of mixed feelings about that exchange though.  On one hand, I’m glad she still thinks about me and takes the time to read this blog.  On the other, I’m a little sad that its only a one way thing.  While our brief relationship burned quickly together (and then quickly out), there was a connection (at least for me) that went beyond just physical attraction.  Something that resided deeper inside.  Even if I never end up seeing her or speaking to her again, I don’t expect that to go away.

That’s not to say I won’t find anything like that again.  Well “like that” isn’t the right thing to say.  I wouldn’t want the same thing to happen (I also don’t believe you can “find that”).  Plus I think each love is by nature different.  I am quite happy with where Alicia and I are.  We have our own deep connection that draws us to each other.  It’s different, but not in a better or worse way…just different.  Alicia does make me happy (at least most of the time) and that is what’s important.

The trip was good though.  Alicia came along with me, and had a good time (despite accidentally leaving her regular glasses in the car at the airport..leaving her with just her sunglasses…not much help on a rainy Saturday in Portland…or at night).  We hung out with my old housemate George after arriving Friday night.  On Saturday, we hung out with her best friend, who drove up from Corvallis, and later had dinner with my parents.  Sunday had brunch (on the breakfast side of timing) with each other, then pretty much had our own things going on the rest of the day.  Alicia met up with a couple more friends and I spent the afternoon and evening watching soccer with my friends.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2011/pdx-revisited/

Leaving Oregon

After an action packed final week, on July 21, 2007, I loaded up a truck with all of my belongings and left Portland after almost three years.  I was heading down to Eugene to spend some time with my family and friends before the final destination of Los Angeles.  It was a good thing however that I was so busy the last couple weeks in Portland, because it gave me less time to reflect on the things and people I was leaving.  I was thankful however that I managed to spend at least a little time with pretty much all of my Portland area friends before I left.

Moving day was pretty crazy.  Most of my stuff was ready to put in the truck, but not quite everything.  Then there was the question of “was everything going to fit?”  Luckily with some excellent Tetris-like skills, everything that was going fit in the truck.  I was pretty exhausted by the time the truck was loaded and contemplated sticking around another night before pushing through and getting on the road.

My two and a half weeks in Eugene hanging with friends and family was good.  Both of my sisters were in town, which could be one of the last times all of us are together under the same roof.  (The middle sister lives in NYC). There was also plenty of good times to be had with my Eugene friends, 80’s night, a now infamous Burlesque show and one new friend.  I find it kinda ironic that for most of high school and college I couldn’t wait to get out of Eugene, but now that I’ve been gone for awhile…I really miss it.  Anyway, the time in Eugene was really good, not nearly as dramatic as I’d feared and well worth the lost wages I could have earned staying in Portland for another couple weeks.

On August 8th, I loaded what I could in a rented Chrysler Pacifica and began my journey to Los Angeles. Before leaving Oregon, I did have to stop in Ashland to get some snacks at the Co-op and see my old housemate. But after that quick stop, it was on to California.

I’ve barely left you…but I miss you already

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2007/leaving-oregon/