Category: DIY

Rory the Rhino

I’m super late writing about this cool project I received and completed in November.  In May, I found out about the Kickstarter campaign for Kinetic Creatures.  Kinetic Creatures are three different animals created out of cardboard that have the capability to “walk” either via a hand crank or a motor kit that was also available.  When one of these animals happened to be a rhino…I had to contribute (and receive my reward of one of the first kits).

As the Kickstarter campaign was meant to raise funds for larger (and cost effective) production, my kit didn’t arrive until mid October.  The packaging was nicely designed:

Kinetic Creatures - Rory

The first part I decided to put together was the motor kit:

Kinetic Creatures Motor Kit 1 Kinetic Creatures Motor Kit 2

Here is the kit put together (ready to go in Rory once he is put together):

Kinetic Creaturs Motor Kit

As for Rory…he came in pieces.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of the cardboard sheets before I punched them out.  But here is a picture of all of the pieces before I put them together:

Rory the Rhino

And here he is put together:

Rory the Rhino

Now that both the motor kit and Rory was put together, it was time to let him take a little walk around the apartment.

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