Tag: blogging

today i can believe

my friend tamie writes at the owls & the angels

she often brightens my day with her posts

and gives me hope when my faith is weak

from her post this morning…

So, hello again, people. I hope you’ve been encouraging each other. I
hope you all know you’re loved, from the tips of your beautiful toes to
your shining hearts. Even if they feel veiled or sad or numb, they’re
still shining deep down inside there somewhere. If you find it hard to
believe today, I understand. I find it hard to believe often. But today
I will believe for you.

thank you tamie…for helping me believe today.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2008/today-i-can-believe/

A Brave New World

This is the world the Bush administration has helped create.  A world where nuclear weapons are spreading.  Eventually something very, very bad is going to happen.

See Glenn Greenwald’s blog for his take on the situation. (There’s no need for me to recreate the wheel)

More from Gleen Greenwald: Iraq vs. North Korea 

I wonder what we can do to change this course we seem to be on. 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/a-brave-new-world/

Common Ties

My neighbor Elizabeth and her twin brother James are about to set off on a journey around the United States.  They are doing this for a new website called Common Ties.  The website launched at noon today with the beginnings of their travel blog.  The site should evolve over the next few months as the site expands with their travels.

On Saturday they will depart in a biodiesel powered Jeep Liberty for the first leg of the journey.  This first leg will take them to unknown places in Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Washington.  On the site you can send them emails and help direct the journey.  It’s kinda like a traveling “This American Life.”

Anyway, check out the site if you get a chance. 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/common-ties/


One of the things about blogging is that it can sometimes get you in trouble.  Recently this has been in the news again with the firing of the writer of petiteanglaise.com [Read the CNN Article].  This phenomena has even made it into internet slang as being “dooced” named from the website of one of the first publicized instances of this happening [dooce.com]

So what does this mean for this blog?  Well for starters it makes me consider the things I post about (at least publicly).  While this blog isn’t widely publicized, it wouldn’t be that hard for someone to find it if they wanted to.  So there have been a few things that I’ve wanted to write about, however have refrained from posting them, because I’m not sure how someone down the road will read into them.  Eventually, I hope to be able to protect some entries, allowing known people to access them (through a login and password).  However the plugin for the blogging software I’m currently using does not quite have the functions I want yet.  A pending version looks to be more of what I’m looking for.  Until then, some of my entries will remain unpublished.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/blogging/