Tag: winter
relentlessly it
rains depression. obscuring
moments of lightness.
a prompt from onesimplebreath.com
I’ve got a new web project going on. Its a haiku community where there will be semi-regular prompts to write haikus. Anyone is welcome to join and participate. Please check out the site at the links above.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2016/one-simple-breath-winter/
Love in a Warm Room in Winter
The trouble with you is
You think all I want to do
Is get you into bed
And make love with you.
And that’s not true!
I was just trying to make friends.
All I wanted to do
Was get into bed
With you and make
Love with you.
Who was that little bird we saw towering upside down
This afternoon on that pine cone, on the edge of a cliff,
In the snow? Wasn’t he charming? yes, he was, now,
Now, now,
Just take it easy.
— James Wright
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2011/love-in-a-warm-room-in-winter/
pale fingers of aspen
pin-pricked bubble of blood
after October leaves
chills seep into thoughts leaving
bare skin craving winter’s embrace
-a collaboration between Carolyn and myself
Permanent link to this article: https://www.rhinoblues.com/thoughts/2006/more-renga/