one deep breath: haibun

The “Pineapple Express” relentlessly attacks with warm rain.  Rivers swell and overflow, taking with them trees, rocks and houses.  The collective mood of the city becomes one of depressed slumber.  All the while we are inundated with negative political ads.  We wonder if we will ever regain hope.  If things can really change.  If our vote really matters. 

rain falls with darkness
unapologetic to
the daylight it hides

Change does happen.  Sometimes it sneaks up on us.  Sometimes it is sudden and violent.  Always afterwards we have a choice in how we respond.  This election has brought us change.  I hope and pray that this time we respond to that change in a better way. 

more haibun from the poets at one deep breath 

*haibun is a combination of brief prose and haiku.

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